Hotel Nuevo Johnson, San José, Costa Rica

En el corazón de la capital

I just walked into this hotel by chance and after taking the room for the first night and making a tour around, I think it is a very good value for money. It’s in the heart of the city, and very close to eveything, especially the Mercado Central.

Hotel Nuevo Johnson (Map)
Cost of the room for one person: 7000 ₡ (Colón*) which is about 14 US$ per night.
Amenities: Private room with a double bed, TV, private bathroom, WiFi (not in all the hotel).

The only thing I forgot to ask is whether they have hot water 😀

Hotel Nuevo Johnson, San José, Costa Rica

In front of the hotel, a lot of people sell red peppers (chile [tchilé]), avocados, onions, tomatoes…

* The “Colón” is the Costa Rican currency. In the plural we say in Spanish 7000 colones [kolonés].

3 thoughts on “Hotel Nuevo Johnson, San José, Costa Rica

  1. Como hago para qdarme un dia en san jose y dos o un dia en limon. Tanbien me gustaria saber si el areo puerto en limon esta en funsion y dosnde me recomienda un dia en limon qdarme.


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